CLICK HERE for short version to take to the polls, or read below for fuller explanations of PPDC’s reasoning behind ballot measure recommendations
Vote center location info follows the endorsements

L.A. County Community College Seat 7 wasn’t able to be discussed by PPDC’s endorsement committee in time for the endorsement vote — info provided FYI:
L.A. Community College District Seat 7 . . . L.A. Times, LACDP, UTLA, Lieu, Bass, and multiple Dem orgs endorse
Kelsey Iino (incumbent)
Late additions to the ballot not able to be discussed by PPDC’s endorsement committee in time for the endorsement vote — info provided FYI:


CLICK HERE for shorter version, or read above for fuller explanations of PPDC’s reasoning behind ballot measure recommendations
Starting Friday, 10/26, people can vote early at one of the
11-days-before-Election Day vote centers (click for interactive map)
Starting Saturday, 11/2, click here for the 4-day-out vote center map
There are also mobile voting centers (click here)
Queries about voting that we or the lavote.gov website — lots of voting info there! — can’t answer can be directed here:
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk
12400 Imperial Highway, Norwalk, CA 90650
Registrar of Voters: (800) 815-2666
Vote Center Information: (800) 815-2666, Option #1
Recorder/County Clerk: (800) 201-8999
March 5, 2024 Presidential Primary Election
Find a Ballot Drop Box
There are 400+ convenient and secure Ballot Drop Box locations open and available to voters throughout their communities.
Find a Vote Center
Safe and accessible in-person voting will be available in this election beginning Saturday, February 24.
Days and Hours
- February 24 – March 4: 10 AM – 7 PM
- Election Day, March 5: 7 AM – 8 PM
Complete voting information HERE, including your registration status, sample ballot, and more
for the March 5, 2024 Presidential Primary
For President: Joe Biden
For Vice President: Kamala Harris
For Senate: No endorsement (Competitive race among three viable Dem candidates)
— but vote your pick twice, for Full Term & Short Term
For Congress: Brad Sherman
For State Assembly: Jacqui Irwin
For L.A. District Attorney: No endorsement (Eight Dems are running; at least three are viable)
(Based on ratings from the L.A. County Bar Association, LACDP endorsements, L.A. Times and other outlets’ and Dem clubs’ endorsements, and general background information)
Judicial Seat 12: Lynn Diane Olson
Judicial Seat 39: George A. Turner Jr.
Judicial Seat 48: Ericka J. Wiley
Judicial Seat 93: Victor Avila
Judicial Seat 97: Sharon Ransom
Judicial Seat 115: Christmas Brookens
Judicial Seat 124: Kimberly Repecka
Judicial Seat 130: Leslie Gutierrez
Judicial Seat 135: Steven Yee Mac
Judicial Seat 137: Tracy M. Blount
More info on Judicial and DA races at these sites:
Judicial — https://bluevoterguide.org/
Measure HLA: YES …… State Measure 1: YES
Ballot measure deep dive follows:
Ballot Measures:
State Measure 1 — YES
California Proposition 1, Behavioral Health Services Program and Bond Measure (March 2024)
A “yes” vote supports:
- renaming the Mental Health Services Act (2004) to the Behavioral Health Services Act and expanding its purpose to include substance use disorders;
- changing how revenue from the 1% tax on income above $1 million is spent under the law, including requiring 30% of the Behavioral Health Services Fund be allocated to housing intervention programs; increasing the size of the oversight commission from 16 to 27 voting members; and
- issuing $6.380 billion in bonds to fund housing for homeless individuals and veterans with mental health or substance use disorders.
- Supporters are businesses and pro-business advocates, nonprofit and for profit healthcare systems and advocates.
· San Francisco Chronicle Editorial Board: “California is short thousands of mental health beds at all levels of care, according to a 2021 study from the nonprofit think tank Rand Corp. Furthermore, even when beds are available, many facilities are unwilling or unable to accept patients with complex co-occurring conditions, criminal records and a history of violence. Other times, beds sit empty because there aren’t enough workers to staff them. As of late last year, some behavioral health nonprofits that contract with San Francisco had vacancy rates reaching 40%. Enter Proposition 1, a state ballot measure that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration describes as the ‘linchpin’ of its strategy to overhaul California’s behavioral health system. … The status quo is not an option — and that means voting ‘yes’ for Prop. 1 on March 5.”
· The Bakersfield Californian Editorial Board: “This tug of war over California’s mental health dollars will not solve California’s mental health crisis. Proposition 1 promises real solutions.”
· Los Angeles Times Editorial Board: “When compared with the cost of doing nothing, Proposition 1 is an important step forward in meeting California’s responsibility to the most vulnerable homeless people and those housed Californians with behavioral health problems most at risk of ending up on the street. It is a worthy addition to other state, local and private investments, and it warrants support. The Times urges voters to approve Proposition 1.”
· The Orange County Register Editorial Board: “In addition to adding $6.38 billion to the state’s $80 billion bond debt, Proposition 1 permanently raids the funding for mental health services that voters approved in 2004 with Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act. That measure put a 1% tax on incomes over $1 million, and it typically generates between $2 billion and $3.5 billion per year. By law, 95% of the money goes to the counties for mental health services and the state takes 5% for mental health programs. … Vote no on Proposition 1. It’s no solution.”
“YES” recommended by
- Affordable Housing Alliance
- Alice B Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club
- Beach Cities Democrats
- Bernal Heights Democratic Club
- Cal Berkeley Democrats
- California Federation of Teachers (CFT)
- California Teachers Association
- Central City Democrats
- Chinese American Democratic Club
- Culver City Democratic Club
- Democratic Party of Orange County
- Democrats of Greater Irvine (DGI)
- Democrats of Rossmoor
- Democrats of Southwest Riverside County
- Eastern Neighborhoods Democratic Club
- Education Workers United SEIU Local 99
- Edwin M. Lee Asian Pacific Democratic Club
- GrowSF
- Housing Action Coalition (HAC)
- LA County Democratic Party
- LA Progressive
- Laguna Beach Democratic Club
- Metropolitan Greater Oakland Democratic Club
- Miracle Mile Democratic Club
- NAMI California
- Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club
- North Valley Dem Club of LA
- San Francisco Bay Guardian
- San Francisco Democratic Party
- San Francisco League of Pissed Off Voters
- Santa Monica Democratic Club
- SEIU California
- Sonoma County Democratic Party
- Teamsters JC 42
- The LA Fed
- TogetherSF Action
- United Democratic Club of San Francisco
- Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
- West Hollywood Beverly Hills Democratic Club
A “no” vote opposes:
- changing the Mental Health Services Act and issuing $6.4 billion in bonds for homeless individuals and veterans.
- Those who oppose the proposition are mental health advocates and agencies, in addition to disability rights organizations.
“NO” Recommended by
- Cal Voices
- California Pan-Ethnic Health Network
- Californians Against Prop 1
- Davis Vanguard
- Depression and Bi-Polar Support Alliance
- Disability Rights California
- Knock LA
- League of Women Voters of San Francisco
- Life Aid Research Institute
- Our Rightful Place
Measure HLA — YES
Los Angeles, California, Initiative B, City Mobility Plan Implementation Initiative (March 2024)
A “yes” vote supports requiring the city to prioritize the completion of street improvement projects described in the previously approved City Mobility Plan and provide accessible information to the public about the progress of these projects.
“YES” recommended by
A “no” vote opposes requiring the city to prioritize the completion of street improvement projects described in the previously approved City Mobility Plan and provide accessible information to the public about the progress of these projects.