Join, Renew, or donate

Contribute now to PPDC’s membership drive and be a current PaliDems member. Or just donate — any amount is appreciated! 

Who can join?

The Pacific Palisades Dem Club isn’t just for Palisadians! Many of our members are from Brentwood, Santa Monica, Malibu, and all around L.A. — people who may belong to another local club but want to support one of the state and country’s most influential local organizations during Presidential election years.

Donating over $25 ($20 senior/student) automatically makes you a member! If you have questions or issues, email [email protected] or call 310-230-2084

Here to join or renew with the club? You’ve got options!

$25 or $30 per month through the year. You’ve heard it before from other organizations: Monthly support is a huge help when it comes to financial planning. It’s easy — just choose or enter the amount of your choice in the empty donation box on this page. Then, under “Make it monthly,” choose “Yes, each month for 12 months” to power us through the year.

Go above and beyond, and we’ll send you a special reward, plus owe you a huge debt of gratitude for making a difference! Please consider giving at these higher levels if you can afford it. In Presidential years we spend a tremendous amount for rent on HQ space to accommodate thousands of volunteers. Our past success comes thanks entirely to people like you who have stepped up to make it all possible.

Super-Supporter Levels:
Bronze Sponsor: $50
Silver Sponsor: $100
Gold Sponsor: $250
Platinum Sponsor: $500
Patron: $1,000
Benefactor: $2500

If the options 1 and 2 aren’t right for you, we of course gratefully accept your contribution at any level and welcome you as a member for a minimum donation of $35 (seniors and students $25). Every dollar helps us, and your membership at any level gives your Dem Club greater influence!

Already a member? Donate here in the amount of your choice to defray event costs. Not a member and not donating for an event … but would like to give an amount under the $35 membership threshold ($25 seniors/students)? It’s all good!

If you prefer to pay by check instead of online: Mail to Pacific Palisades Democratic Club, P.O. Box 343, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Please include your home address, phone, email address, occupation and employer. (Required by federal and state laws.)

** Retired / not employed? **–> Just enter “NA” for Employer and Occupation, and add your ZIP Code <–

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